ured at late times in the region of YAG 39 operations during Shots Navajo and Tewa (Method II).
(The probe profiles were provided, with background contamination subtracted out and converted
from microamperes to apparent milliroentgens per hour by F. Jennings, Project 2.62a, STO.
Measurements were made from the SIO vessel Horizon.) The integrated areas were converted
to fissions per square foot by applying a factor expressing probe responsein fissions per cubic
foot. This factor was derived from the ratio at 200 hours of surface probe readings and surface
sample dip counts from the same Station, after the latter had been expressed in terms of fissions
using the direct dip counter-OCC fission content data mentioned above.

These results are also

listed in Table 4.6.
The set of values for the YAG 39 decay tank labeled Method III in the sametable is based on

direct radiochemical analyses of tank (and ocean surface) samples for Mo*® (Table B.30). The
results of Methods I and [I were obtained before these data becameavailable and, accordingly,

were accomplished without knowledge of the actual abundance distribution of molybdenum with
depth in sea water.

Table 4.7 is a summary of the dip-to-fission conversion factors indicated by the results in

Table B.30; those used in Methods I and [I are included for comparison.

It is noteworthy that,

for the YAG 39, the ocean surface is always enriched in molybdenum, a result which is in agreement with the particle dissolution measurements described earlier (Figures 3.11 and 3.12); in

this experiment Mo®*, Np***, and probably I'*! were shown to begin leaching out preferentially

within 10 seconds. The tank value for Shot Zuni, where the aliquot was withdrawn before acidifying or stirring, shows an enrichment factor of ~ 3.5 rélative to the OCC; acidification and stirring at Shot Tewa eliminated the effect.

The slurry fallout from Shots Flathead and Navajo,

however, shows only a slight tendency to behavein this way.
Finally, Table 4.6 also lists the representative platform values obtained earlier, as well as
the maximum values read from the platform-collection curves for the cases where deposition ~
occurred under essentially single-wind conditions (Table 4.4). These values are included asa
result of postoperation rainfall measurements made at NRDL (Table B.31). (Although the data
have not received complete statistical analysis, the ratio of the maximum collection of rainfall
by an OCC on the LST 611 platform to the average collection of a ground array of OCC traysis
indicated to be 0.969 + 0.327 for a variety of wind velocities (Reference 75). )

It may be seen by examination of Table 4.6 that the most serious discrepancies between ocean
and shipboard collections arise in two cases: the YAG 39 during Shot Zuni, where the ocean/

OCC (maximum) ratio of ~ 2 may be attributed entirely to the fission/dip conversions employed
—assuming the OCC value is the correct average to use for a depth profile; and the YAG 39
during Shot Navajo, where the ocean/OCC ratio is ~10, but the tank radiochemical value and
the Horizon profile value almost agree within their respective limits. While the OCC value

appears low in this muitiwind situation, the difference between the YAG 39 and Horizon profiles
may be the background correction made by SIO.
In the final analysis, the best and most complete data were obtained at the YAG 39 and Hori-

zon stations during Shot Tewa. Here, preshot ocean surface backgrounds were negligibly small;
equipment performed satisfactorily for the most part; the two vessels ran probe profiles in sight
of each other; and the Horizon obtained depth samples at about the same time.

The YAG 39 did

hot move excessively during fallout, and the water mass of interest was marked and followed by
drogue buoys. In addition to the values reported in Table 4.6, the value 1.82 x 10'5 fissions/ft?
was obtained for the depth-sample profile, using the dip-to-fission factor indicated in Table 4.7.
(Because of the variations in the fission conversion factor with the fractionation exhibited from
Sample to sample, a comparison was made of the integral value of the dip counts (dip counts/

Min)/2 liters) feet from the depth-sample profile with the OCC YAG 39-C-21 catch expressed
‘N similar units.

The ratio ocean integral/OCC-C-21 = 1.08 was obtained. )

It may be seen that all values for this shot and area agree remarkably well, in spite of the

fact that Method I measurements extend effectively down to the thermocline, some of the Method
_ Profiles to 500 meters, and the depth sample cast to 168 meters. If the maximum OCC catch
'S taken as the total fallout, then it must be concluded that essentially no activity was lost to

depths greater than thoseindicated. Although the breakup of friable particles and dissolution

Select target paragraph3