i, Noted that the program will be confined to isotopes

used domestically unless as a part of an agreement for

cooperation with a foreign nation;

j. Noted that an appropriate press announcement similar

the program is implemented, appropriately revised to yedlect

k, Noted that henceforth this paper will be considered

AEC 645/2 + Construction of Medical Research Center and
Medical Research Reactor at BNL

The Commission reviewed with Dr. Bugher the proposed location:
of this hospital and the proposed degree of enrichment of material to

be used in the reactor, After discussion of these and related matters,

the Commission:

a. Authorized detailed engineering, design, and
construction of a permanent Medical Research Center

and a medical research reactor at the Brookhaven
National Laboratory;

b, Authorized the allocation to the Brookhaven
National Laboratory medical reactor approximately 10
kilograms of fully enriched U-235 in such amounts as
the Director of the Division of Biology and Medicine may
determine as appropriate;
c. Noted that it is planned to use approximately

$400,000 of presently available funds to commence detailed

engineering and design of the Brookhaven Medical Center

and Medical reactor;

d, Noted that a request for construction funds in
the amount of $6,040,000 is included in the proposed request
for authorization to the Congress, and in the President's

FY 1956 budget for submission to the Congress;
~ 152 -



to that contained in Appendix ‘'D"’ will be made at the time.
the larger subsidy approved by the Commission; and







Select target paragraph3