Conclusions and Recommendations


Dose Assessment Report

The advisory Group does not believe the present draft of “Assessment
of Potential Doses to Populations from the Transuranic Radionuclides at

Enewetax" is an acceptable basis for decisions regarding cleanup criteria
and eventual resettlement of the atoll] for the following reasons:

Data base:

The data used in the dose assessment calculations

appear to be inadequate and introduce into the dose calculations
a large uncertainty which is not identified.

Some of the data used

are extrapolations from data collected at other sites and under
different conditions from those at Enewetak, thus the data may not
be applicable,

Basic Assumptions:

The assumptions used in deriving the dose estimates

appear to have been selected mere for the purpose of maximizing the
range of doses that persons inhabiting the atoll] could receive than

for estimating most probable or reasonably expected doses.

On the

other hand, doses were estimated for what appears to be an average
population, rather than for different population groups (e.g., infants,
children, young adults, aged, etc.), In several cases the basic
assumptions are not given and in others, unpublished and unsubstantiated
conclusions served as a basis for assumptions used.

An example is

the gastrointestinal absorption factors.


Dose estimates are not obtained for actual average

soil concentrations as they presently exist on the islands.

That is,

the estimated average surface (0-3 cm) concentrations over 1/4 or

1/2 hectare areas obtained using the IMP and soil samples are not

Select target paragraph3