
PLOY 6. wot up @ ciation feetlity et BMkial to moaltor the heelth of the natives
fe chat eves.

A question conenreing the need for continuing support by Hil es & contréctor wis

dinecseed wad whether the wee of this coutwteter wns desived for agriovlturel

pleating aad eecononic development of this ielead ares; tf 90, advance notice would

be required as Goan ae possible price to the teraization of the eladoup operation now /

under way. Jim Johnecn of HEM atvised that the magaitude of the job te be dons
fa agriculture pleating was frightentag ts view of the equipment with vaich the

tewst Tereitery had to use, Eédl through the AEC ie quite villiag to help erein end

esetet in any wey if approved.



Concerning the esoncaie developnent of the Trust Yerritory, Comslegioner Jehastoa.

siintfoned thet Br. Cook of MIT ie now studying O11 capests of whet bad to be dond
including the money and logistics te eumplete such operations.

The sontinued weed of the six strip on Buyu wee discussed. Comiselonse Johneton: agreed

that the present fecilicice maintained for air operation vould be required. He bedon|

hand a study by Major Heodersen of the OBB on all types of Six Gupport and equipusat’
required to support euch economie development in the Pac{fiec area.

This is not




for Bikini specifically, but for all Micronesia.


Jim Johnsen of WIM addressed the feet thes perhspe there might be on voderrun ta


the budget of @1.3 million for Bikini Cleanup sod that perhaps qume of this


underrun could be used for further-venevetion-we continued meiatensnce of the air
strip at oye prior to departure, the gedup-dewbded-that [isthority for use of this!
monsy fox other then actual cleasup would have to some from the Department of


In summary there were three major ereas discussed and agreed upon 6s being <° . ee


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