
4001 9

Ante &

August 13, 1957

Mr, Maynard Neas

District Administrator

TRUST Territories of the Pacific
Majure, Marahsl) Islands
Dear Mr. Beas:

This is in reply to a telegram from HICOMTERPACIS angust 6, 1957 concerning the food supply of the Rongelapese.

Since Merch ef 1954 there have been several radielogical resurveys of


the Nershell Islanis. Includedin these have been collection and
analyses ef plant, animal and fish life. These daté ere sumarized


in a roport Conteminationo
which should be completed by the Goverment

Se eeeee of this month: We will be happy to send

you a copy as soon as they are available,

In this report yeu will nete our conclusion that there need be no


principal concern, are found in the edible parts ofbene anieelen
Even considering the possibility ef human consumption of parts of bone —

of these animals, it is highly unlikely that the total strontim??

intake in the diet by this route would be significant,

The latest biological resurvey of Fongelap Island vas made in duly of:

this year end as soon as the analyses of these samples are completed,
we will be pleased to tranmit them to yeu. There is no reason to
aaenee herent Teor noe eenda entemination Sit) be signiticantly different from those predicted based on the last survey.

this connection, you will be interested to knew that the actual external



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