After being evacuated to Kwajalein on 2 March 1954, all of the military
personnel assigned to Rongerik Atoll were interviewed to determine their specific
activities during the period 1 March until their subsequent evacuation on 2 March.








determine an individual's

activities, hence his whereabouts, on an hour-to-hour basis.

Because the film badge

dose estimates in this memorandum are based on seventeen such interviews, this

appendix shows how these data are utilized in calculating the film badge doses.
Reference 3 contains a summary of the interviews obtained from the 28 military

personnel after being evacuated to Kwajalein.

The results of an interview with CN

406, extracted from Reference 3, is as follows:

Duty. Rawinsonde Operator.

Activities. 1 March: On duty day of 1 March until 1630. Took shower before
chow. Attended movie in messhall.
2 March: Worked outside, helping to wash outside of messhall.
Clothing. Wore shorts until 1530. Changed to long clothing.
Food and Drink. Ate evening meal | March. Had coffee for breakfast, 2 March.
No lunch.
Fallout. Observed fallout at about 1500. "White ashes; light, floated down."
Film Badge. None. CN408 wore badge for group.

Evacuated. In first group (1245, 2 March).

Note: High school education. Thirteen months remaining of present enlistment.
Based on the interview with CN406, it is possible to estimate where this
individual was at a particular time and, hence, determine what radiation protection
was provided by the particular building he was in. When particular structure was not
specified, it was assumed he was outdoors (PF=1.0).

Table 6 details the activities of

CN406 as inferred from his interview, and lists the calculated film badge dose for this

individual during his stay on Rongerik.


Select target paragraph3