calculation of internal dose commitments is based on an intake at 9 hours after Shot
Bravo, with large-particle dose conversion factors applied to the radionuclide inventory to that time.

The inventory, which is based on radiochemical analysis of Bravo, is

normalized to the activity level of iodine-131.

Intake of this radionuclide


determined from the body metabolism of iodine that led to a measured activity of
I-131 in urine samples taken 17 days after Bravo.
The calculated thyroid dose commitment of 190 rem is by far the largest organ
dose commitment, and the dose is accrued comparatively rapidly.

Short-lived radio-

nuclides dominate the thyroid dose, which is seven times that from I-131 alone. If the
intake had been at 13 hours after Bravo, the thyroid dose would be six times that from
I-131 (based on the Reference 11 radionuclide inventory). Thus, the thyroid dose is not

sensitive to actual time of intake within the fallout deposition period.

The only other dose commitments that exceed the dose from external gamma_
radiation are for the sections of the large intestine.

Actinide emitters, produced by

the neutron activation of U-238 during the detonation, are significant to these doses.
Because GI tract doses are dominated by the ingested contents in transit rather than
by absorbed radionuclides, these doses are also accrued rapidly.

Caution is advised in interpreting these calculated internal doses for specific
individuals. Based on a pooled urine sample, the calculated doses represent an average
Or nominal dose estimate and do not necessarily pertain to a specific individual.
However, limited individual urine sampling reported by
indicated only a modest spread of results.

Dr. Harris (Reference 9)

The counts of the individual samples were

consistent to within 40 percent of their mean.

Also, the implied intake of I-131

agreed well with that from the pooled sample.

Dose determinations for personnel on atolls downwind of CASTLE Bravo have

been principally of two types:

the initial estimates developed in the mid-1950s,

shortly after the event, and the long-term, continuing followup by Brookhaven



Select target paragraph3