The maximum possible dose to a film badge worn continuously through the time
of final evacuation is obtained by using PF=1 throughout, i.e., no radiation protection
available on the island. The upper limit of integration in this case would be 35 1/4
hours after burst, which corresponds to final evacuation at 1800 hours, 2 March.


dose of 87 rem results. If a film badge was not worn, but instead left out in the open,
the (0.7) factor would not enter into the calculations. As an example, one film badge

was left hanging from a tent post (PF assumed to be 1) until H+28.75 hours (1130

hours, 2 March) at which time it was placed in the mess hall (PF=2) until the second
group evacuated. The calculated dose is 112 rem.
All of the film badge dose calculations are dependent on the accuracy of
integrated intensities derived from Figure 2.

Uncertainty, especially concerning the

duration of fallout deposition, is evidenced in a comparison with limited film badge
dosimetry data (Section 3.3).

Thus, film badge dose calculations in this section,

represent initial estimates.
For the seventeen individuals who provided sufficient information in their postevacuation interviews to reconstruct their activities, the preliminary film badge dose

estimates are given in Table |. Because the individual activities used to derive these
film badge doses were varied enough to encompass most reasonable activities, the
calculations can be applied with confidence to all individuals, even those with
insufficient information on their specific activities.

As would be expected, the second group of evacuees received a greater film
badge dose than did the group evacuated approximately 5 hours earlier.


among the second group of evacuees, it appears that the Army troops who were

manning the Project 6.6 station on Rongerik received a slightly larger dose than did
the Air Force troops. This is not unexpected since the Army area on the island did not
have any “permanent” structures, and the troops slept in a tent until approximately

midnight, 1 March.



Select target paragraph3