1341 BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. di Upton. Long Isiand, New York 11973 (516) 282. FTS 6667 Safety & Environmental Protection Division 4250 May 5, 1983 Dr. William J. Bair, Manager Environmental, Health and Safety Research Program Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories P.O. Box 999 Richland, WA 99352 Dear Dr. Bair: Thank you for your letter of February 28, 1983. I waited to fulfill your request for a copy of the July 1983 abstract because it did not provide information I felt you wanted. Enclosed is a copy of that abstract which deals with both the protracted phase of dose equivalent and the acute thyroid absorbed dose. I have also provided a recent letter from myself to Charles Meinhold which presents updated estimates of thyroid dose which may be useful to you. The methods used in the thyroid absorbed dose assessment fit together well and the absorbed dose values given in Table One of the letter to Charlie make use of data from four different approaches. I am compiling the initial draft and tabulating intermediate results, therefore, the data in Table One are tentative. The range of thyroid dose is estimated to be about four times the mean values. Best regards. Sincerely, i —_ Cduworde | score. Edward T. Lessard ETL/ce Enclosures