(. -&
rid of it.


Because of thyroid injury some of the children did not grow

as well as others.

It was necessary to remove the lumps on many of

these thyroid cases to be sure that they were not cancer,

Some of the

best doctors, nurses, hospitals and medicine are in the United States
and so you were sent there for treatment.


The thyroid medicine is very important in the Rongelap people
since this helps the exposed children to grow and helps stop lumps of
the thyroid from happening.

All of the people that had thyroid operations

aeorin healthy the rest of their lives as long as they are examined
regularly and take thyroid medicine.
OTHER SICKNESSES. Are miscarriages caused by the testing? One man became
blind after the fallout.....will I become blind too? Why do you have
to drill into our bones? Why do people die after they have bones drilled?
Will future generations suffer from radiation?
Rongelap People.

due to radiation,

The case of leukemia in

may have been

Leukemia is like a cancer of the blood.

of any other exposed person getting leukemia is very low.
necessary to drill into the bones to test for disease.

The chance
It is sometimes

But this should

cause no harm and we do not know of any ¢éerious harm'resulting From this.
The early sickness in the Rongelappeople was probably due to radiation.
It is possible also that some of the miscarriages in the Rongelap exposed
women may have been due to radiation.

No effects on the children of

the exposed people have beén seen and it seems unlikely any effects will
be seen in future generations.

No cases of blindness have been seen

due to radiation and we do not expect to see any blindness from

radiation, ©


One ee

Utirik People.






We have not seen any radiation sicknesses in

the Utirik people and because of ‘the small amount of radiation they
received we do not expect to see any.

‘All over the Marshall Tslands

Some people develop thyroid neck lumps which are not due to radiation


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