


immediately and the people were moved back within several months.


AEC carried out surveys for radiation on Rongelap and after three years
had passed the radiation had become so weak on Rongelap - in the soil

and plants - that it was considered safe to move the people back to the
’ new village that had been built.

By now most of the radiation left on

the Islands has become old and essentially harmless.

There is no need

to worry about getting rid of the little bit of radiation that is left
on the Island.

It disappears by itself with time.

People all over the

world have a little bit of radiation and everyone has to Live with it.
WHAT ABOUT RADIATION IN THE FOOD? Why can't we eat coconut crab and
arrowroot? Is there anything else that we are not supposed to eat?
On moving back to the Island many people

thought chat because

of radiation the fish, clams and arrowroot starch could not be eatey.
This was not trug.

No sickness from radiation developed from eating

any of these foods.

The only food that was not supposed to be eaten

was the coconut crab which still contained some radiation.


coconut crabs from the southern part of Rongelap Atoll may now be eaten
and there is now nothing edible on these Islands that may not be eaten.
WHAT ABOUT RADIATION IN OUR_BODIES? How can we tell if radiation is in
our bodies? How can we get rid of radiation in our bodies? What will
happen to the people who were not exposed to radiation but are nowliving
on Rongelap and Utirik? ,

The radiation in the bodies~of the people living ac Rongelap

and Utirik have been carefully measured by the Brookhaven team over the
years since the people returned,

Plant, soil and fish have been

measured by another group from the University of Washington.


There has

been little radiation in people from living on the Island - far less
_ than is known to cause sickness.

You: cannot tell, you have this little

bit inside you since it takes Special tests by the doctors.




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