Another: example whcre poor tower procedures were noted, was the
traffic jam at the intcrscction of the runway and the taxiway entcring
the cast ond of the northeast ramp,

cut his ‘cngines.

The towar had-a B~5O taxi in and

Imnacdiatcly following were two morc B-50's and two

There was not room for all five aircraft to clear the runway

due to the pile up bbhind the B-50 with his dcad cngines,: If an cmergency landing had been necessary it could havo been disestrous duc to
the runway block,
Another runway block was caused when the B-36 (FLOYD 2) aborted and

returned for a minor repair,

A Colcman tractor was on the cnd of the

runway to position the B-36 for repair and run-up,

hile both the Coleman

and the B-36 were on the runway, an F-84 returned from his sampling- 7
mission end had to circle the airficld until the landing cnd of the 2g ~
way could be cleared.

He landed before the B-36 was complctcly romoved

from tho runway, but this was to cxpedite his oxit from tie radioactive
Proper corrective action was taken to oreclude the possibility of a
reeurrence of these discrepancics,

As cach mission was flown more cxper-

icncowas gainod and it was visioncd that cven fewor discrep ncics

would be noted when KON rollcd around,
Immediate preperation for KCCH was started in an cffort to make up
some of the time lost duc to the ROMEO delay.

Regeardicss of. the


hurry in preperations, no sacrifice of Flight Safcty would be condoned,



Select target paragraph3