These were but a few of theproblcms caused by sucn a long delay.
Another of the major problems was the stagnation of *tha airorew por-


Prior to cach mistion the crews koycd ti:enselves to a high

pitch, but with each delay the crescendo bogan’to sitbsfdo and a statc. of
placidity reigned.

This is not the desired fecling forsuch an opcra-

tion for it is conducive to laxncss among the crews and a contributor
to aircraft accidents,
A special Flight Safcty mecting was held on 16 tlrch to inject
now spirit into the crews and to pass on some tinocly Flight Safcty

This mocting was dcemed very successful and many favorable

comments on it were passed to
than 220 personnel were present.
pitch desired, :



Attcndance was good ~ - more

To further rebuild the spirit and

mado daily visits to the flight linc and all

unit onpcrations to discuss the operation,

Through these visits, the

constant reminder of flight safcty standpoint, tho missi n was a success,

The miner discrepancics noted were corrected »rior to KOCN shot,
Some would require new onerating procedurcs; some would require morc
effective supervision; and others would require isore and better judg.-

ment from air and ground crews.
When operating with such a complicated take-off schedule as we
wore compel to do, it was imncrative thet cach efreratt be rrfcctly

In the event a takc~off abort was cffeeted, ii vas iccssum

Select target paragraph3