an engine,


The jet aircraft run-up area was noved and the helicopter

landing area was not to be closer than 100 feet to the jet parking
Both units agreed to this and were well pleased with the



This imvroved safety conditions tremendously,

The crash alarm and wreckage renoval systems were given a check
on the night of 20 March,

A Navy F4U landed with only one gear ex-

(This was not a concern of the Air Task Group except where

our facilities were involved.) This was the first actual opportunity
to check both operations.

No major deficiencies were noted and it was

anticipated that both systems would not function properly when needed.
An incident report was forwarded to this headquarters from the
Test Services Unit on 24 March.

This incident report pointed out that

a WB-29 had declared an emergency with one engine feathered and had to
make an emergency go around due to a C-54 being cleared by the tower

to land ahead of him,

The C-54 apparently did not clear the runway in

time for the WB~29 to safely land so the go around was effected,


Flight Facilities Officer and tower onerator on watch at the tine of

the incident were contacted and the provisions of AFR 92-4 were reemphasized,

No aircraft were to be permitted to land if an cmergency

had been declared or was obvious.
The beaching and re-floating of an S4-16 was monitored by
on 26 Marh.

This aircraft was practicing water landings and

had the right propellor go into full feather position when reversing

Select target paragraph3