of tho 4930th Test Support Group an? attached to Tesk Group 7.3 for =
short poriod of tine for additioncl trainin: in water lendings.!?


roquest was conplicd with and the PR: cirercft were dispatched to Bikini
to be under the operationcl control of Task Group 7,3 as requested,


were returne? to tho 4930th Test Support Group control after a period of
approxinately ten (10) ccys.
Wator landints in the Bikini cree, clthouch not considered criticcl
for the tiost part, were considered a little tricky beccuso of the cround

swells within tho lasoon,

On the cleventh of larch,

Deputy Commemicr, Task Group 7.4, flow to Bikini in an SA~16 to survey tho
lazoon area for desisnation of safe landing aree or creas,

On the seven-

teenth of March a letter was subriitte? to Joint Tusk Force SEVEN outlining
the Task Group 7.4 choice fer wator landing erecs.

It was requcsteld that

this one area subnitted be designated the only oren for water landings at
Bikini and further requested that an cireraft buoy be provided.

Tho sare

lottor outlinod a proposal for overall aircraft ccentrol in the Bikini crea.
Thes@ proposals were concurred in by first indorserent, thereto, on the
twonty-~first of Merch by Joint Task Force SEVEN. 2?

The SA~16 aircraft assimed to the 78th Air Rescuc Squatrcn at
Kwajalein, which were being used on the CASTLE operation at Eniwctok, cid
not seer to be gettin: proper meintenance.

It wos “ctermino’ thet

the Sit Detachment Comandcr, unter the Test Services Unit, wos
in an undesirable position in that he was roguired te keep two (2) Cpora-

tional SfA~16's at Eniwctok Curing non-operetional period and three (3) Sé--16'
at Eniwetok curingoperations) pericts,

In addition, he was theSyuadron

1G #3~3108C,
Ltr to JTF SEVEN, subj: "Airlift Oor", TG #3-3174C.




AeIC) RhAa






Select target paragraph3