
the Commander for approval, On 12 March the Commander gave his anpreval
and returned the DF to the Flight Safety Division,

Information of this

approval was forwarded to the Test Services Unit to relieve them of the

responsibility of preparing tiese cards,


conducted a Flight Safety Survey

of the Test Services Unit on 11 and 12 ilarch,

This survey was con-

ducted in acocordance with D/FSR Flight Safety Survey Guide No. 1. The
Unit was deemed to be in excellent agreement with the guide.


agressive accident prevention program was very evident and no recam endations were made by

The first Flignt Safety Publications from the D/FSR were received
at this location on 13 March,

Two letters had been previously written

requesting that the distribution be increased and the address changed.

The publications received were the February issues of the. Aircraft
Accident and Maintenance Review and »osters for tre bulletin boards.
No Flying Safety magazines had been received as of the end of iarch.
This lack of distribution was very disheartening,

On 15 ifarch the first Flight Safety Committee meeting was held.
presented the prupose of the-comuittee, reviewed two incident reports and the lfinor Accident Revort.

ilominations for the

Maintenance lian of tne Honth and Crew of the lionth were read, but since
sone-of the Units had not submitted nominations, the Comnander advised
all Unit Commanders to submit the February nominations by 19 ijarch and
the March nominations by 5 April.

Two committees were appointed to


Select target paragraph3