shown on the subjcct.


A mekc-up mccting was conducted on 4 March for

those who were unable to attcnd.
Supplomcnt IV to Group Regulation 62-2, "C~54 Aircraft Commanders!

Take Off and Pre~Landing Data Cards,” was oublisied on 6 Harch.
The Commander reccived a requirement for helicopter particination
in sample recovery around Eniwotok Atchl after ECHO shot.

On 9 March,


made a helicopter landing at cach required site to

observe conditions ceffccting landings, safcty precautions necessary
and any improvements that mignt be neecssary prior to operations,
Maps cf each site were taken and -

landing spots,

plotted the cxact

All sites were considered sefo for helicopter opcra-

tion except two which were on a deep sand nit.

It was determined that

a water craft would be neces<ary to recover samples from these two

sites at RUBY.
The study of the Test Sup-ort Unit Crash-Pcscuc Section that was
submittcd to the Commander late in February was rcturned on 9 March,
The Comandcr's comment was that no additional personnel would be
requisitioned for this project.

A copy of the study, with the cariccts

of all stcff sections and the Commander, was forwardcd to the’ Co. anccr
of the’ Test Support Unit.
-.. On 11 larch

forvarded a DF to the Deputy Com ander

recormiending that no teke-off and pre-landing data cards be roquirce

for SA-16 and C-47 aircraft.

This DF was aporoved and forvarded


Select target paragraph3