With tho closo of the mission on B-Day, all operstions and flight
safety porsonnol breathed a sigh of rolicf and immedicccly began tho
sane diligent procedure in proparing for tho mxt shot.
On 3 March, TG 7.4 received tho first mar on its perfect record
in aircraft operetions.

On thet date a minor aircraft accident in-

volving m H-19 and an 8-16 occurrod.

This minor accident did not offect

our accident record, but opcned our cyes to the fect that wo had beon

lox in onfdrcomont of our regulations.

“ho day before (2 March) the

Bikini Yotachmont hed roturned to Eniwotok duo to tho hecvy contamination
at Bikini.

Theso people began to operate fron Eniwetok without any formel

bricfing on curront Eniwotok oporationel procoduras.

Whilo taxiing out

for a take-off ono of the new holicopter pilots attempted to taxi betwoon
a perked helicopter an an Su-1S,

“ho distance was very na-row (approx...

nately 12 foot widor then tho holicoster rotor blade circlo) and in going
through the spaco one of the rotor tins struck tho S.-15 Icft olevator,
Both parts were roparable with approximately 90 hours labor,
roport was submittel on 11 March.

an aecident

Corrective action wes taken to oreslud2

this typo accident in tho future. ©
On the morning of 3 Merch, an oricntation of all Task Grou; 7.4
erash-rescuo personnel end «211 Task Grou) 7.2 fire-fightavs was conducted


The subject was "Fire and .-tomic Weapons.”

after tho

discussion on their resoonsibilities ond what thoy cowl capeet i?
we should have such a device envelo »ed in fire, a film was

Select target paragraph3