
those vehiclos was offcected prior to or during B-Day.

an abort parking aren was cstablished for all aircraft aborting

teko-off on BRAVO shot.

Tho information was dissominated at tho crew

bricfings but was not passed to the alort crew who would guide and »rk
these aircraft.

When HARDTIHE TWO aborted and taxied into tho sbort area

the "follow no" joo> triod to return hin to his original parking placo
which recuired weaving in and out of parked aircraft to gain access toa
clear taxiway.

Ucfinito instructions were Dassed to the alert crow to

ereclude recurrence of this crroncous procodure.

Thoriseraft were to

cut their ongincs in the abort croa and be towed to their perking arca.
This procedure would lesson the likelihood of an aircraft accident.

Soveral minor discropancics wero noted during operations in conncétPon”
with BRAVO shot.

These included throe aircraft taxiing without wing-

wolkors; one taxiing two fast; ono starting an ongine with no fire
guaracs; one aircraft taxiing with no lights on; ono aircraft landing
short of runway by a,>roxinatoly 30 foot;
cireraft not properly socured in event a

cao obsorver on tho °_36 effects
blister should heave blown off

the cairercft; md onc B50 cireraft boing rofucldd upwind and near to

jot airer-ft with their cngincs running and other minor itens,
a8 a whole and taking into consideration the disercprncizs notcl
herein, BRAVO was considered an outstedding operation,

21 commmnders,

maintoridfice »crsonnel and aircrews were highly conmondcd for the excollonce
of the mission.

When such st-tonoents can be made about a mission so mnplox

as BILLVO, it head to be well-planned, supervised and txeeated,




Select target paragraph3