- nw

during these shots, although tho Grou, was responsible for tho actual
positioning and control during tho mission itsclf,

One oftho VIKING aircraft, whon clearod to taxi from tho 336
turn-around pad to the southwost parking ramp, began a power check on
the runway.

This procedure was not in accordance with his previous
Ho canplicd with our rocucst to discontinue the power check

and gct off the runway.

4& minor quostion arosgo during tho mission.

To what dcezy areca

would aircraft that wore accidentally contaminated proceed?

It was

quickly resolved that thoy would be cloared to their parking arca to
await decay md ovontual docontamination if neecssary.

If it was fount


that thoy wore too "hot" to return to their parking arca, they could ="


decay on the isolated portion of the ocean road or a now parking arca
that was built just cast of the GC.. Unit locction.
It was found that poor coordination wes lacking in uso of crash-firo
vehicles as fire guards for aircraft sterting their engincs,

Im one caso,

when ae fire guard vohiclo was requested, it was moro than 15

minutes aid

two tolcphono calls later that a vokicle was on the scence.

It was detcr-

mined that request for dispatch of those vehicles should bo mado by

Midwatch 1 (Diroctor of Materiol) and/or Midwateh 2 (Stafr¢ Maintenance
Officer) through Maintenance Control.

“his would be cffected through

the use of radio between j2cps md Maintonance Control,

It woud ox-~

yedite the reporting of fire gucrd vohicles whore they gould be needed
most end more offectively accomplish thoir mission.

Little control over



Select target paragraph3