all functions of the operetion were boing properly conducted end super~


- -

The Control Tower and all aircraft were bricfod to maintain radio
silence on VHF Channel “B" for one hour g¢xtor to H-Hour.
prevent conflict with tho time hacks and count down.

This wes to

One discrepancy

was noted, but the tower advised the aircraft crew of the radio silence,
sll take-offs wore within a few scconds of their scheduled tinc,

with the exception of the three B~50 (HARDTINE) aircraft.


hed a low indicated oil pressure on one engine nd wes 31 minutes lato
on take-off.

He subse uently declared .n cmorgency with the engino



However, H-Hour was so near he continucd the mission ~



and feathered the engine after H-Hour.


Ho was intercetod by an S.-16

(STABLE) aircraft on his return to “niwotok and cscortod to tho besa.
HARDTIME TWO had a propellor stick in reverse pitch on his preflight

check snd was 50

minutes lato on take-off.

Due to tho take-off aborts

of tho first two HiRDIIME aircraft, and mowing that if their discrepan-

cios wore redaired in tinc, thoy wuld have to ve sandwiched into the
tizght take-off schedule, tho Deputy Commander roquired HARDTIMS [akii
to take off five ninutes prior to scheduled timo.

For the coorcinatiug

of some 30 odd sortics to be flown by aircraft varying fi;om high specda
jet fighers~ and huge 10-engined bombers to the slowr, tue neccess.ry,
twin-engine transport and reseuc aircraft, tho take-off record was
consideorcd excellent,

It might be mentioned at this point that tho

B—50 "LIRDTH.# aircraft were not the ress,onsibility of this Geoup for



Select target paragraph3