PEWTER TWD - 50 miles from Ground “ero at an altitude of 10,500
feot and 90 degreos;

THREE - 75 milea from Ground Zero at an altitudo of 12,500

foot and 210 dogroos.

On 31 Marca, ¢


. ealled this office

and informed us of tho a2proval of positions for the ocffocts aircraft.

Ho statcd he would confirm this with a TwK,

The confirmation had been

prepared for the Iperations Order and was as follows:

The B=36 would bo at an altitude of 40,000 fceot with horizontal
renge of 34,960 fact, or 5. 75 nautical miles at 090 degrees from
Ground Zero,
Tho B-~47 would be at am altituco of 35,000 foct with horizontal
range of 34,700 feet at 070 degrecs from Ground Zero.

Tais now heading

was coordinated with tho Pilot and Navigator of tho B-47,


Select target paragraph3