
and the

Test Aircraft Unit, so -s to have this capability,

wes accomplished on R42,

‘he nission

For all futuro shots it was planned to modify

one of tho HARDTIME aircraft prior to shot date minus one with a capability for crater photogra»hy,

They would accomplish the mission as soon

as rad safety would pormit, returning to the home station as soon as
practicable, thereafter.

It was not a good idea to do this photography

with tho RB-36 duc to possible contamination.
The positioning of tho B-47 offects oircraft wos well over because

of the olectronic failures. The 47 was plotted at 73,000 fect and
Raydist providod data indicating range of 73,300 feet.
second early and a little to tho left.
aireraft and no results were obtained.

Tho 3-36 wes 1

Raydist malfunctioned on this ~
“he 3-36 sustained damage

_ ~

Siniler to that experienced on BRAVO shot, although not quite os oxtonsive,

Repair was estimated at JOO man-hours.

The fall-out on inhabited

areas during and after ROMEO shot was minor, and re-entry into the Pikint
«atoll was accomplished the evening of 2-Day, which allowed for sample
recovery at an carly time.

Most of the hocvy fall-out wont to the north~

west as predicted, howevor, a secondcry fall-out was experienced on the

morning of R42 days.
4 conference was conductel at this Headeuarters on 29 March for
the purjoseof ascertaining what positions of PEWTER airercft would

allowto acconlishnent of the requiroments of Project 9.1, Cloud Growth
and Rise,

The discussion involved rocommended positions for KOON only.

Personnel attonding were: Colonel William %&% Porry, TU-13, TG 7.1; Lt



Select target paragraph3