Good data was obtained fc: the B-47,
No formnl meeting was conducted for the purpose of positionin

the effects circreft for ROM@O.


airereft were positioned on yiel


forecast, which wes ene cs vay.

: ms eS

Tha renson f

the wide spread of probebility for this Jevice was an outgrowth of
BRAVO results, indicating that fuel reactions concerning device

too uncertain at thet time for attempting a high pro-

bability yield prediction,

,herefore, it wes informally decided t

position the B_3SD at 37,000 fect altitude with «2 horizontal range

50,000 feet, and the B-47 at 35,000 fect altitude with a horizont
range of 50,000 feet.



The positioning of other aircraft remcinod tho som with tha


exception of the S-54 Photo aircraft, which were movel to 50 miles
The sampler aircraft take-off schedule was agein closely adhc
to and samplo collecting by mmned aircraft commenced,

The airerr

used for sampling were 15 F-84's, two FB-35's and one WE-29 for he
nuclide sanpling,

All eircreft were very successful except one F.

which had a malfunction of its tip tanks causing both tanks to be
salvoed, and one FB-36 which aborted with landing gcar trouble, hi
iater completed its mission.
Since the shape of the radionctive cloud persistec< for some |{
smpling wes extended for - longer period.

The RB-36 control cirernft was directea by the CIC not to
complete its mission of obtaining crater photogravhy, and cne of

the B-50 H.RDTILE airer: ft was mogifica on R41 by personnel of TG


Select target paragraph3