withifi” these tolerances and by judiciously selecting individual tubes,
sufficient sjcaration of frequency may bo obtained to prevent serious

interference. ‘ho 97th Bomb Wing Detachment was instructel by Twk
to sclect magnetrons with frecucncics between 9320 ani 9375


and that the «ir task Group aircraft radar frequencies would bo between 9375 and 9430 MCS with a ninimm soperaticn of five MCS.
Tho Bg7D offects airer-ft exporicneed minor radar failure.


deflecticn coils in the pilot's {£ndicstor burnad out for no apparent


On investigation, it wes found that tho operator frilel to

mako nocessary changes in tho junction box for ono scope operation.
Howover, this was not normally meintenance performed by an operators This gave improper functioning of Cisplaced contor.


With the excep


tion of the displaced center operation, PPI operation wos normal end
The RB~36 control areraft encounterod minor radar difficulties
during the operation.

The gomraticn of the indicator reticles failed

becnuse of improper soldering in connectors in th cross hair resolver,

and the wind slew control feiled bocause of a corroded switch contact.
Closer insjcctions wuld eliminate thcso tz-uties in tho futuro,
The cquipment in the .0C performed satisfactorily.

Oae airborne

IFF in VILSON 1 was wook giving a maximm rmgo of 25 milos,


fightorcirgraft were observed .2t maximum distences of 235 milts,

Rogarding Reydist, the FM link for the system usol witn the
B~36D wes not opersting properly -nd therefore no date was obtainod.



Select target paragraph3