sensitivity and rmge to end from the shot arece

It was the operator's

opinion that failure of ecuiyment in tho shot area could be attributed
to interference from other radars operating in the vicinity.

Iespection of the eauipyment, including powor ond sonsitivity
checks and spectrum malysis, showe. the cruiyment to be in excellent
condition and operating better thm mimimum requiremonts dictated.
Inspection of scope photographg showod considerable radcr interference.
Targets could bo seen at short ranges, but it appeared there wes cr.

deterioration of radar roturns at medium -nd long ranges which cculd not
be attributed to interferenco.
One plausible cxplanation was th-t adinbeatic charts showed the.
ctresence of soveral tempercture inversions .t altitudes below the B-47.:
This wuld create a condition of less than standard atmospheric re-

fraction and restrict the range.



Other aircraft did not experience this

difficulty, however, thoy were not -t the samo altitude and cspect.
Extensive studies h-d been made in an attempt to relnte weather
conditions to ralar performance, but at thie rejgorting date no reliabie
method wos available for prolicting rnader performance under verious
wor.ther conditions,

It was known thet locel arcas of moisture lapse

con soverely restrict radar renges cat isolnted altitudes.
ag o precaution, all particiovrting aircraft in futurs cpeinnions
wore .to have frecuencizs sclocted to give minimum interfuicnec.


freauency determinant for the airborne rader sets wes the magnotren
type 4332,

The m“point of the *A" radar bend was 9373 MUS anJ the

band extended from 9320 to 9430 MCS.

Magnetrons very in frequency


Select target paragraph3