No Raydtst data was rocorded frem this aircraft.
was usable, but ambiguitics oxisted.

Tho data for the B-47

On reduction, theso were olinin-

ated and tho final result for tho B-47 position was 2985 foct over.
The dotonation of BR.VO shot obviously had a greater yiold than

Early data, such as ball of firo, indicated approximately

15 mogatons,

Tho cffcects aircraft wore in approximate position and

when thoy arrived back at the basa the B-47 revealed no abnormal

effocts, but the B-36 had obvious cxtornal damage.

In the days that

followed BRiVO the positions that these aircraft rcache.l wero dotermined.

The 3.36 was 1002 feet short according to scopo photography.

The Raydist did not function.

*ho B47 was positioned 1800 fect over

according to their scope photography, but latcr reduction of data

from Raydist placed the B_47 2985 foot over, as noted above.
could be tho reason why the B~47 cxpericneed no damage.



This “3


Tho damage

sustained by the B-36 was as follows;


Radar dome crushed from rear;


Moin gear wheel door flattened against whool and pencls



Main column naccllo fairing blown in;
Noso door pancls dishcJd with some popped rivcts and skin
_Lower forward nacclle cowling pmels dished and buckled
with some popped rivets and skin tcars;

Lower aft turret coor pmels dishcd;




Select target paragraph3