The dissistant cdjutant, Task Group 7.4, mainteined a chart showing
the clasped tinc, from the origin-tor to adcressec, on nessages re=
ecived during March, The data on the chart incicated on incrozs2
in the cfficicney of the cormunicstions systcn,.
Joint Task Foreo SEVEN stated in thcir Operations Order 1~53 that

Messages conteining TOP SECRET and/or RESTRICTED DAT. information
would be encrypted in an off-line systen,

Since the policy st-ted

abeve was not binding on orgonizaticns outside of Joint Task Force
SEVEN, an occasional TOP SECRET or RESTRICTED DAT.. nessage was re~

ecivee at the Joint Relay Center (Eniwotok) fron fir Forco organizati-ns
which hed transmitted the nessage by on-lino SIGTOT method.
the Communtie-tions Security Officer of Joint Tasie Forcc SEVEN

discussed this problen with .

Communications Security

Officer of Task Group 7.4, by telephone on 5 Merch,

It was decided tuc

best way to approach “hs problom was to ask each unit, thet tronsnit:od
such a nossago by on-line SIGTOT, to encrypt that type message in an


off-line system in the future,

Select target paragraph3