asking If thefrny Cormmnicctions Centers woule accept nessages with
minor gerbles in order thet delivery could be cxpedited,

It was agreed

that alternate routing proccdurcs as defined in the Signal Corps

vublic-tion SIGIM-2, which was a supolcnent to J/JNiP 1271, would be uscd.
This procedure is outlincd in ACP 127B, which was not cffoctive at


On 15 Merch, it was obsorved that sone of the telctype operatcrs
at Kwajalcin and Eniwctok were not fully traincd in their <FSC, i.c.,

Eniwetok operators were not sufficicntly fomiliar with proecdurc and
tapo cutting,

Their specd was not good cnough for proparing t-pes for

cnergency nesseges; 10 minutes or mare were required to prepere an oner=

gency nessage of 30 words,


Kwajalcin was not sending notification of. :

dclivery of message (ZDF) on nes-cges that enrricd ZIP (request tine aa +
message delivered to addressec) in the heading,

Approxinatcly two out

of every four cases of ZDF had to be requested to service ucssages as
operators at Kwajalein apyarently were not observing hcadings with ZIFF
in thon.

The NCOIC of the Telctyne Section, Communications EBiaitnt,

Eniwctok was contacted in rcg-rds to unacceptable deley in preparing
energenecy messages for transmission,

The NCOIC of the Teletype Section

stcted that all teletype operetors would be tested in prepcring tapes
and those oper::tors that were slow in preparation of tapes, end who, had



forgotten the proccdaurc, would be given furthcr training.


Select target paragraph3