by airficld personnel to assist in local airereft operstions and

passenger control.
on 25-March,

The Commmications Elencnt installed an SCR-624

Task Group 7.1 furnished the 110 volt, altcrnating cir-

cuit, powcr,
Major Brady, Commaender of Comwnications Elascnt, started on a
projcct to cssist in etpply roll-up and in planing for future operations,
Major Brady was preparing five studics:

Cormmnications cquipnent and facilitics to be left in ploce

once operated during the intcrim period betwcen overseas tests;

Equipment and facilitics on hand end necded for the noxt




tuo above;


Class 16 and Signel Corps itcms on hand but surplus to one and

aon «

Waster Communications scheme for next operation with recorm:cnded

new sitcs, construction and cquipment;


Equipment on hand surplus to four, abovo.

In final preparation for ROMEO, the Commimications Elercnt hed ta
send men to Rongcrik on R-l Day to service and turn on the homer, and
to NAN to inspect and service check the homer, Racon and VHF transnitters


In preparetion for ECHO, Channel "H" was being installcd in tne

Eniwetok Control tower to renlacc Shanncl "B" during the period of the
volec timc broadcast, and two SCR~640 VHT transmitters, thesc cvacuatcd
fren the tover at Bikini efter BRAVO, were beind readicd for instcllation
on Parry for the broadcast of the time hack,

Select target paragraph3