
{11 communicetions and navigational aids functioned satisfactorily
during the BRAVO opcrational period,

-. fow last-minute changcs in the

dctails of the comnmications scheme of oporations were as follows:

The 2100 kilocycle frequency assigned to circuit J-408 was interforing
with the radio telctyne receivor aboard the Command Ship,

This fre-

quency was changed to 3060 kilocycles, thus clearing um most of the
interference aboard the ship.

The passing of weather traffic from Eni-

wetok to the Command Ship was one of the most vital functions of the
entire communications effort.

This traffic was passed over circuit J-401

co multiplex radiotclctype circuit manned. at ths Eniwetok end by 10S

personnel and aboard ship b: Navy personnel .

To augment the shortage

of qualificd multiplex and technical controller personnel and to provide

closcr coordination, .__

“Ne 1960th /u.CS Scucdron Comaander,

and two AN/FGC-§ technicians wero placcd aboard the Command Ship for tho
duration of the BR..VO operational period.

This proved to be so successful

that it was decided to continuc to place at lcast three i.CS personnel
aboard for cach succecding shot.

Due to the critical nature of the

voice time broadeast from the bunker at Station 7200 cn NiN,
ty J=5 of Ic. deuartors, Joint Task Force SEVEN, obtained permission
for the Commnicctions Element to place a "Q" cleared radio tcchnician

in the bunker during the shot period.

His dutics included the main-

tenance of the tvo BC-640 VHF transmitters uscd for voice tino broad--,
cast and to switch transmiticrs in casc one of thom foiled, and also

to watch the AN/URN-5 radio homing beacon and the LN/CrN-6 racon,





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