during RONEO Shot,

The procedures used for ROLEO Shot were the same

as for BRAVO Shot.

The Air Operations C-nter coordinated cll landings,

departures, ap reaches, and tcke-offs in the =niwctok arca with no
difficulty. The avy-roach control section of the Jir Oncrations Center

monitored the departure and arrival schcdule against the pre-planned
flight path of cach aircraft to insure that proper sovarotion linits
were adhered to,

WILSCN 1 (B-29,) was the only aircraft not having

a oroperly operating IFF, but this was corrected by crow monbers and
was operating nronerly when the airercft rcturnced to the Enivetok con~trol cerca,

The radio tclephone proeccdure of point-to-point radio

operetors showcd significant imorovement over BRAVO Shot and because of

this, the radio circuit load was rcduccd. Tha. sir Operations Center

-~ =

had no comwnication or cquipment feilures,


The Control Destroyer's mission vea again routine with no omergen-cios
occurring requiring its control or search and rescuc aid,
ROMEO was originally scheduled for 11 larch,

and control units were "peaked" for the event.

i211 air, com-unic~tions

The succession of 24

to 43 hour »ostnonements from 1] Maréh until 27 March, the actual
detonation day, tcndcd to rosult in a lessening of the readincss of
all units,

dircreft were destined to romain too long on tie ground

since the "new" detonation date alvers loomed 24 to 48 nours ahcad,

Communicstions and control systcms, land and ship-bascc, likewise

could not be commlctely shut down for thorough maintcnanec, since mony
components were required to conduct essential "R-ilinus 2 and linus 1"


Select target paragraph3