issucd by the Control RB~36,

The controlicr then was im-cdiatcly

ready to take back control of the flight when it was released by tho

Control B~36,
A-check list (Anncx i, Operations Ordcr 3-54, as canended) was
utilized on BOMEO and BRAVO Shots,
dispensable during ROMEO,

The chcck list again proved in-

Thecheck list used by the Senior Air Con-

troller in the CIC was acturlly a detailed schedule of cvents tailored
to the necds of the Comiand Ship,

It was in dctail as to the schedule

of cvents thet must occur in ap-ropriatc sequence.

The events were

listed with the exact time of event snould occur,

This as-ured

the Senior fir Controller that no important item effecting his mission
was overlooked,

It would be very difficult for a Senior ‘ir Controller —

to function at peak cflicicency without this cid,

The check list con—

tainec. a great number of itcms with some events occuring at the same ss

time, therefore, a check list monitor was utilized.

The check list

monitor accommlished the routine itcms and assured that the Senior ‘ir
Controller did not overlook any of the imsort-nt itcms that he must
take action on,

The check list, boing a part of th: Operations Order

ond distributed to all conecrned agencics, was a great voluc, as itcis
of action could be referenced by itcm number over radio circuits witaout violation of sccurity.
The 4ir Operations Ccnter was successful in perfor-:ing its mission



Select target paragraph3