
The Command Ship was again successful in rerforming its mission
during ROO,

Positive control of all aircraft was continually main-

tained throughout thc mission.

No radar, IFF or comunications failures

The radar video rcturn from the ROMEO cloud was 10 to 15 miles

in diamctcr,


It was persistant for about 30 minutcs and then began to

By HA45 minutes the cloud had commlctely faded from the

racer scones,

The cloud formation on scopes did not hamper air control

to any degrec during ROILEO.

No IFF or radar blip fades occurred.

Cormauunications were normal.
411 of the shiss port holcs and ost of its Coors were sccured
prior to H-Hour.

This rcducced the explosion cffects on the CIC team,

Radioactive fallout did not restrict the desircd movemcnts of the


Command Ship, which was back in the Bikini Lagoon by H45 :30 and ready’ 5.
to resume its additional mission of control of IFR airlift traffic into

The thoroughly troined CIC team worked thrcughout the ROIEO

Controller assignments and aircraft assigmacnts to indivi~

dual controllers for ROMEO Shot were identical to BRAVO through


The post H-Hour sampler control procecures were modificd to

avoid passing of control between CIC controllers,

Each controller

@ircetod and tracked the flight the fightcrs threughout their mission,
Uhen the fighters switched to the sampling control frequency, the
controkLlcr“also switched to that chanccl and monitored instructions,



Select target paragraph3