The most significant observation of the CIC during the BRAVO
Shot was that the explosion did not seriously affoct either radar
or radio transmissions.

This observation was in direct contrast to

that made curing iiIKE Shot in Operation IVY, when both radar and radio
seemed to be seriously affected by the explosion,
the deciding factor,

Weather seemed to be

During MIKE Shot, the air was heavily saturated

with visible noisture prior to the shot.

During BRAVO Shot it was not.

NIKE Shot itself generated numerous Cumulo-i/imbus tyne clouds reaching
to extremely high altitudes.

BRAVO Shot did not.

Radar scopes were

cluttered for several hours with wide spread cloud returns during 1UKE,
making sapling aircraft control extream2ly difficult.
clear 30 minutes after BRAVO Shot.

The scope was

IFF returns and radar blips did

disanvear for brief intervals during BRAVO, although no clouds were

visible on the scope.


This allowed for good control of all aircraft.

BRAVO proved tiat extensive training of CIC personnel prior to
the shot was a sound investment,

TheCIC Air Force and Navy team

functioned smoothly and expertly throughout the operations,

The check

list monitor proved exceptionally valuable, in that he relieved the
Senior Ccntroller of many check list details so that his primary duty
of supervising CIC operations coordinating with the JOC could be
done in an orderly and efficient mamner.
The Air Operations Center was successful in performing ivs mission
during BRAVO Shot.

Detailed written vrocedvres were node available


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