
During ifarch, the Operations and Training Division was almost

_ totally committed to the preparation for and the exécution. of BRAVO
and ROMEO Shots,

Other significant events were establishing new

airlift procedures in the Bikini area (to include water operation

when TARE Airfield was destroyed by KOON Shot), and increased search
and rescue intercept activity.

These events are discussed in detail

in the following paragraphs:
The CIC (Command Ship) was extremely successful in performing

its mission for BRAVO Shot.

Positive control over all aircra:t was

continually maintained except for two brief periods when radar failed
as a result of salt water being sprayed on the antenna during ship

decontamination operations.

During these same periods, VHF and HF

communications difficulties were experienced for the same reason,

The CIC was not notified that decontamination of the ship was to take

was assured that this situation would not recur,

Radioactive fallout resulted in the fast movement of the Command
Ship from the shot area without the CIC being notified,

This situation

did not prove serious as positioning of aircraft, in relation to the
ground or water surface, was not important after H~hour.


was assured that the CIC would be notified in advance of future
ship movement,




Select target paragraph3