wise, in the Operations Directorate.

This situation had its beginning

in January in tho hospitalization of ~° ~
Tripler Army Hospitel, Honolulu.


Then, in tho carly part of Fobruary,

departed Eniwtok for tho Zono of the Interior

to bo with his wife whilo she undorwont a scrious operation.


tasks included the preparation of the schedule of ovonts, working
closcly with Baso Oporations and formulating procedures for flight emorgencics.

His departure loft a sorious gap in the Oporations and ‘raining

Division of this Directorate,

This situation was alleviated somewhat with

the arrival of

on 16 Fobruary.

However, sinco

was unf:miliar with tho activitics of this organization, timo
was nocdod to train

him for tho dutics ho had to perform,

above-mentioned period,

During tho

of tho Plans and Re-

quiromonts Division was confinod for approxinatcly a wook in thc bxso
hospital bocauso of a skin disorder,

His dutics scro writing and assom-

bling oporations orders and attending to the Bricfing Room, both of which

were full timo tasks.

Subscquont to


hospitalizaticn, it

was neccessary for him to make daily visits to the baso hospitel for troat-mont of this malady.

Becauso of its severity,


‘ roseivel

orders on 30 March transferring him to Triplor Gonoral Hucpitrv: in Howaii,
for approximately 30 days.

Much overtime wis neecessaty for both offteors

and airmen in the Directorate bescuse of these unferescecble an’ aurfertunate circuratanccs.

Select target paragraph3