
tractor and B36 was reviewed and the tower was to be advised against
a recurrence of such an incident.

On two occasions lmding instructions

wore given to H-19's which would have interferred with mission aircraft

An H-19 was attempting a landing at the same time ELAINE

was landing fran its mission.

On another

occasion an H-19 landed after

two F-84's were on the runway ready for take-off with JATO armed.


tower was informed that closer supervision of landing and take-off must
be maintained.
It was requested that pilots who had last minute passenger or crew

changes call tho Test Aircraft Unit representative in the control Yeop
te obtain theso changes.

This procedure would cut down the long trans—-

mission on "B" channel.
Tho Tost Aircraft Unit was commended for completing their mission

in the face of thoir aborts,

FLOYD 2, FB~36, had gear truble, was

turned around in less than two hours for another take-off and completed

the mission,

‘hore also wre two partial air aborts of F-84's,.


F-84's wore substituted in minimm time and the replacement eirersft
were airborne and the mission completed in an excellent mamner.

The voice timo tape, as available for ROMEO, was totally unusable.
It was recommended that new tapo be cut using a "count—down" systom.
The now tapo was cut and flight checks wero made on 31 March ond 1 April.
concluded the critique by commenting on the fine job
cveryono did in making the ROMEO ovent a successe
During March, a considcrable amount of pressure was felt, personnel


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