Upon inactivation of Detachment 1, 493lst Test Support, Squadron,
Major Richard W. Rice was assigned as Group Operations Officer on
ll March 1954 replacing Major Vernon C, Markham.

Captain James McFadden, Group Flight Safety Officer, conducted a flight safety meeting for all rated personnel on the same

Many pertinent subjects were discussed including proper use

of hand signals used while parking and taxiing aircraft, written
examinations to be given to personnel responsible for parking aircraft, proper operation of landing gear and wing flaps onC-47
aircraft, proper radio procedures used in this area, duties of
instructor pilots and proper fitting of parachute harness.
lst Lt, Merlin A. Hawkes, Assistant Group Operations Officer,
inspected the crash boat on 12 March to insure that the facilities
and procedures were sufficient.

The crash phone was found to be

weak and only two stretchers were available where there should be

A test run was made on the morning of 12 March which proved

satisfactory and all other discrepancies were corrected.
Classes were conducted on the 9th and 10th of March for nine
(9) officers who were appointed as stand-by Radiological Safety

Monitors. ‘The classes covered instrument indoctrination ad the
Radiological Safety Lecture.



Select target paragraph3