
Tho 4930th Test Support Group Personnel Officer, the 4932nd Test
Support Squadron Adjutant, and the 493]st Test Support Scuadron Acju-

tant conferred on 5 March 1954, with reference to personnel to be
selected to fill Interim T/D recuirements, personnel to be revained
one to sixty days after operational phase to assist with "Roll-up",
anc. personniel to be released immediately after the operational phase
for reassignmert to the zone of the interior.
Cn 11 March the 4930th Test Support Group Personnel Officer
and the Squadron Adjutants met to complete interim T/D manninz.
4 teatative decision was reached as to who would remain to fiic
Interim T/) positions, who would remain onc to sixty days for isll---


up and what AFSCs would have to be requisitioned to fill Inte-in

T/D vacar.cies if not available at this station.
The Deputy Commander, Lt. Col. Atkins, and the Group Personnel
Officer, WOJG Doyle, met with the Director of Personnel, Task Group

7.4 (frov), Lt. Col. Forrest, on 15 March 1954 and cbtained his ap-

proval on the Group Interim T/D.
Cn 16 March this section started final action to compile In-

terim T/D requirements for Headquarters 4930th Test Support Greup,
493lst Test Support Squadron and 4932nd Test Support Squadron for
submission to Headquarters Air Force Special Weapons Counter through
deadguarters Task Group 7.4 (Prov).

Also a roster of airmen to he

released one to sixty days after the operational phase showing cach
airman's geographical choice of assignment, —



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