Group 7.1.

Tho Rad Safoty mombor of the tcam also recorded on a skatch

the approxinate physical location at which cach sanplo was collected.”
Provided that tho radiological conteminnticn had dissijzatel1 to the

safoo point, tho Commmder of tho Tost Servicos Unit, wos to ro-cstablish
the wenther roporting facilitics to normal oporations subsequent to 1 May


orsonnel who previously had not been oxposed to radiation

intensitics considered excessive would be assigned to mm the woathor ros

porting installation on Rongcrik Island.

4 mecting wns held on 6 March in the Task Grcup 7.4 Confcrenec itoon
for the purpose of discussing the format and content of tho Final itcport.

Chicf of Plans and woquiromonts, and also coordinator for
the proparation of the Final Roport, attended as the reprosentativo of
tho iroctor of Operations.

a tontative agroencnt wes reached on the

format thet wns to bo usod for the Final Report.


ty Chisf of Staff of Tosk Grous 7.4, conciuded

the nocting by roquosting that cach member have his dircctorato prepare an

outline of subjects or topics which would be proosed for inclusion in the
Final woport.

These topics would covor tho main arses of staff activity

for which tho directornte was respyonsiblo,

Under these topics specific

problens and their solutions would be delineated in the discussion portica

of tho Final icport.

Ato later meoting all mbjocts or topics could be

compared to dotermine whether they could be used to highlizht cormon


Thus, tho coordinatcr of the "inal toport, could show continuity

in the cffect of the probicm as it applicd throughout -ll staff sections.
In essence, the meaning of this roquiroment scomed to be thet the “Lroctor
of Operations would consolidate the viewpcints of oll staff sections

Map of ongerik(sketch is not






Select target paragraph3