2-54 as much cs possible so as to reduce tho sizo of thcso now aders.

B.u.VO rims ono was bricfing day and at 0800 hours all dircrows

reported to building #79, tho now Task Group 7.4 Bricfing Room, This
was to bo tho first briofing conducted in this room md tho Gporations
personnel guite naturally woro cagor to gcc how it would bo accoptod,
Much timo and offort had boon spent in planning and constructing tho 250
soat bricfing room.

Many oxtroemoly favorable commonts wore hoerd as tho

crow mombers ontorod and procooded te thoir assigned soats.


Participants woro clso proscnt,
ag Li

+, Director of Operations, oponed tho

bricfing, all lights woro turnod off oxcept tho black lights which woro
focussod on tho first bricfing chart,

Al] bricfing charts had beon pro-

pared with luminous paint and as this transition from brillimece to that

of darkness took placo, ad tho chart assined a bright glow, thorc was a
murmur of great satisfaction fron the entiro audionco.

Tho goncral bricf-

ing wns conducted first, then tho spociclized bricfinga followod, covering
all phascs of tho first nission.

Immediately after BRUVO shot (on 1 Merch), tho airstrip at Bikini
wes contaminated to such a dogroo that its inncdiate uso was hazardous
to »porsonnel, Radiation prohibited the landing of sireraft.

This con-

dition imposed a soricus problem beerusc airlift betwoon Eniwotok and
Bikini was a necessity. Tho two HM aircraft, operationally controllcl
by Task Group 7.4 at thet time, were not considered sufficient to accommodate all the antici pated passengers and cargo.

_ efter

earcfully surveying tho oxisting problen, took prompt action through



appropriate chmnecls and Headquarters, USAF, was requostod to furnish thre<

Select target paragraph3