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“oether Island Roll-up

c. In view of danage which resulted to the vessel when the Rorgerik
package was unloaded, it is recommended consideration he given to a small craft to br
used for shuttle from the island to the LST. The surf and beach at Rongerik makes
a landing a hazard with further damave to the LST possible.
d. Supplies and equipment, belonging to Task Group 7.2, in use at Rongeril-,
would be returned to Fniwctok and turned over to the appropriate supply agency.
Supplies and equipment on loan from the various agencies in the Honolulu area would
be returned aboard the LST and off-loaded at Pearl Harbor. Upon arrival at Pearl
Harbor, if LST #551 is scheduled to return to the Zone of Interior, the weather island equipment would remain aboard for transport to the Oakland port. In the event
operations orders for LST #551 prevent the return of this vessel to the Zone of In~
terior, the supplies and cquiprent would be off-loaded at Fearl Harbor of the Honolulu port, as appropriate, and returned to the Zone of Interior by MSTS. All sup—
plies will be manifested for shiormmnt to the Transportation Cfficer, SMANMA, McClellan Air Force Base, California, unless approval of the Air Weather Service is received for shipping these packages to the parent unit et Tinker Air Force Pasc,
If this approval is received prior to the departure of the IST, the documents can be cmended accordingly. Ir the apnrovel is received subscauent te the
departure of the LST and prior to the arrival at the Oakland port, the shipment can
be diverted at Oakland. Exceptions to this will be certain items such as heliun
eylinders which rust be returned to a spetific egency cther than an fir FoR Sipol

The helium cylinders must be returned to Woyal fir Station, Moffett Ficld,

California. The total cergo from the weather islands is estinated at 607,734 pound
and 1,025 measurement tons.
2. Your approval of this plan is requésted in order that the Operctions Order
for roll-up of weather islands may be published.

Select target paragraph3