
14S 400,2, Subj: "Roll-anyef Sup: &Squtpy, (Cont'd)

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_ %_.Tents: will remain in plac’ ‘and custodial responsibility
transferred ,to an officer designated by the Commander, Test, Support —



Maintenance Stands, Power Units and AircraftJacks:“these

items will be cleaned and painted and custodial responsibility transferred to the officer appointed by Commander, Test Support Unit, for
storage, corrosion surveillance and maintenance,
9. Cots, folding, steel: maxim repair’ will be’ ‘effected by
each unit end all cots which had been renovated prior to issue will
be carefully cleaned and spot painted prior to turn-in to the Depot
Supply Officer.

Those cots which were received by the various units

without renovation will be segregated and turned-in as is to the Depot
Supply Officer.
10, Mattresses and pillows: will be carefully brushed ‘and dusted_
prior to turn-in to the Depot Supply Officer.

ll. “Sheets, pillow cases. andmattress covers:

will1 be laundered «

and neatly folded prior to turn-in to the Depot Supply Officer.


Commander, Tesk Group 7.4, has requested the Army Depot Supply Officer

to report any instances wherein it appears serviceable sheets have been

ripped up in an effort to make up shortages.. -


Class "X" clothing:


will be laundered and sized (waist size

for trousers and collar size for shirts) prior to turn-in to the Depot

Supply Officer, The Laundry Officer, Task Group 7.2, has agreed to
giving laundry service priority involving roll-up items. He estimates

approximately three (3) days service.

13. Miscellaneous items: for instructions on the turn-in of any
items which are drawn from the Air Force Supply Officer or the Army

Depot Supply Officer and are not covered in this letter, contact the

appropriate supply agency direct, All turn-ins will be scheduled by
the appropriate supply agency in accordance with priorities established
by this Headquarters, It is requested that each unit use this document
as a guide in evolving their roll-up plan, The roll-up plan should include the name of the officer designated as Project Officer for their
unitroll-up, the name of the Unit Supply Officer and number of personnel to be retained to accomplish the necessary work, It is further re-

quested that each unit estimate the date (K/____) they will be ready to
turn their property into supply.
lishing turn-in schedules,

This information will aid in estab-


14. In order that TDY units may close out Memorandum Receipt and
Plant Accounts, appropriate action will be taken by Commander, Test


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