
The second phase of our discussion had to do with our

concept of the proper manner in which to handle the
weather island packages during the intcrim. We explained
to him briofly that we proposed to place this equipment
in the hands of the organization of primary interest,
that is; the Air Weather Service, for care, safeguarding,
organizational maintenance and build-up for any future

Colonel Fleming stated that he considered

this a good plan that he agrecd with the concept but
that he felt this was primarily the concern of the US/I.
and did not feel it appropriate for cTF~7 to do more
than concur in the procedure, Commander Mather pointed
out that in future operations, weather observation re~
quirements would be laid on much as in the past depending upon the data required,

That JIF-7 did not propose

to tell tho Air Force, in detail, how they would get the
job done,


a, That the weather island roll-up plan include the utilization
of LST #551 as described above.

That early action be taken through USAF, MATS to Air Weather

Service for the concurrence of that organization to accept the responsibi-~

lity for the weather island packages at the home station of Sth Weather,
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. This matter should be firmed up in order
that documentation of the weather island packages could begin at an early

" Major, USAF

fab EO. 7G



Staff Supply Officcy


Select target paragraph3