

APO 187, c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California



7 March 1954


Commander, Task Group 7,4, Provisional


Electronic Facilities for ROMEO

1. Following is resume of action to date concerning electronic
facilities clobbered by BRAVO:
a. Voice Time Script Broadcast: It is my understanding
that for the next shot, voice time will be given from BOUNDARY TARE,
manually, from H-3 hours to H-15 minutes. At this latter time, the
voice time tape will be cut in to our two BC-640 VHF transmitters

located in the bunker at Station 7200 (NAN).

During BRAVO, these

two transmitters were both set to operate on B Channel, but only_one
was used at a tive, with a Communications Element Sergeant standing
by to manually switch over in case one of the transmitters malfunce

tioned. Only one VHF antenna was installed on the 300 foot tower™ ~
I still consider that we should have 100% back up for this last 15

minutes of time hacks. Our present planning was to broadcast on B
and D Channels similtaneously, The only problem here is the construction of an antenna multicoupler switch so that two transmitters

(on different frequencies) can use the same antenna, An AACS
Technical Representative is working on this right now. The broadcast
from two transmitters on the same frequency from one antenna is inpossible. Likewise, Colonel Bowen and Dr. Ogle believe that it will
be too hot to install an additional antenna on the tower any time before the next shot. With all the attendant problems present in the
simultaneous broadcast on B and D from one antenna and not being able

to install a second one, I recommend we settle for a one channel, no

back up voice time hack for ROMEO,



No aircraft are critically

The condition of this equipment is unknown.

However, it is believed and hoped that one or two men working from two

to four hours each should be able to get this racon back on the air.
Itwili remain at its present location. Thought has been given to
moving it into the main bunker, but in addition to the time to dis-

mantle and move, it would take one man at least a full day to install

the entenna atop the bunker. Another argument against moving the racon
into the main bunker is that it would then be within 50 feet of the

tower, which would probably blank out a fairly large sector of space


2 YL

Select target paragraph3