

APO 1€7, c/o Postiaster

ean Francisco, California


12 March 1954

SUBJECT: Airlift Operations


Joint Task Force SEVEN

APO 107, c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California

1. A complete survey of the Bikini lagoon was made to determine the
safest plice and most expeditious procedures to be used for PB and SA-16

water landings at Bikini during freight and passenger airlift. An SA-16
pilot, reecntly assigned, was used as on advisor on this survey due to
his extensive experience of over 2000 water landings.


The survey has indicated that, a very experienced pilot possibly

could land at considerable risk in -ny part of the lagoon.

In most of

the lagoon, even though the aircraft was landed savely, it wou’d enceunter
detrimental buffeting on the hull, One area, shown on the attached@Akp;”

was considered to be a safe area for everyday use because of the shelter

provided by HOW island and because the parallel of ground swell lies at

a 90° angle to the prevailing wind. The lagoon in this areca is normelly
very calm and has been chosen as the area designated for all water Jendings at Bikini,

3. In an absolute energency, oni still at pilot's discretion, it
nay be possible for our most qualified pilot to land parellel to and just

North of TARE, This, however, can only be considered as an ererzency
measure and not within safoty limits desired foe this operation.

4. The pilot on this airlift feel that they can better judge safe
water condition for landing than someone shipboard because he can view it

at 2000 feet to determine swells, Further, the fine] lend or no land
decision must be made by the pilot concerned, therefore an officer or TG
7.4 quilified in «ater lcondings will not be required chonrd the US®
“AITNOKO, Normally, the BAIRCKO will not be in the crea designated as
water landing area, therefore, would be in no position to make recozmendations on actunl Inndings,
5. To commlete the requirerents for vater lending inter-atoll lift,
request action be taken to nrovide a rubber, aircraft buoy in the pl-cc
shown on the attached map,

TAB NO. 55

Select target paragraph3