
APO 187, c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California

Requirements for Support of the RONGERIK Re-entry Cperation
Under Programming Plan No. 1-54



Test Support Unit

APO 187, c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California


RONGERIK Island, one of four (4) outlying islands used prim=rily


All personnel have been evacuated from RONGERIK island.

for weather reporting purposes in ths “orward area, has become temporarily
ursafe for prolonged habitation. Current estimates indicate that its re~
occupation is not likely to take place prior to 1 May 1954, as a result
of radiological contamination precipitated by the BRAVO event.

_ x -

3. The existing radiological hazard will not preclude visits to
RONGERIK, provided the period of occupation dees not excecd Rad/Safe limits.
4 During the interim between evacuation and re-establishment of
RONGERIK to normal operational status, small groups of persennel (rc-ontiy
teams or parties) will be transported from ENIWETOK Airfield periocivat’y,
to service, maintain and operate, on a limited scale, the equvipunent ant
facilities which are located on this outlying weatner isiend,

The Test Services Unit is now completing the first in ics sozies

of re-entry missions.
Five (5) to seven (7) personnel comurise ea.4 Tesi,
Succeeding re-entry mission will be conducted epproximtcly five (5) dave

to one (1) week apart and the period any team remains ca RONCEFTK wil oct

exceed four (4) hours, until the radiation hazard as sctaly rratcee.,


initial te:m was transported to RONGERIK via surface: vossed.
Th ts cn:
templated thet amphibious aircraft will be used for svlecyuent teins.

6. The Test Services Unit has been furnished transportation fs. its
initial re-entry team in accordance with procedures waith alroody c:aist for
normal logistical support of the outiying weather islands. Ia the erent
that necessary transportation for these special re-entry missicns cunnot

be obtained in the future from this source, the Cormander, Test Servieos
Unit has been instructed to coordinate this requirement for snort with
you directly

Select target paragraph3