Hq Wea Rept Elm, Subj: Radiation Monitoring and Operational Readincss
Plan for Rongerik Atoll

forty (40) copies of a hand-drawn map of RONGERIK (not drawn to scalc).

Details concerning the forcgoing rad/Safety requirements first should be

obtained from Lt Colonel James E. Crosby, Dircctorate of Operations, this
h. The Commander, Test Aircraft Unit, has been requested to
provide the Test Services Unit with the following items of cquipment to


Heavy socks




Protective gloves


Fatigue type caps


Shoc protective covers

— o


T-1B monitors (Approximatcly four (4))


Film badges


Pocket dosimeters


Bottles or other adequate containers for water, food,

and soil samples,

The exact quantitics, types and sizes as appropriate, of the above itcns,
which are required for this operation, will be transmittcd to the Test
Aircraft Unit through direct coordinative action by the Commander, Test
Serviccs Unit. The Rad/Safety member of cach re-entry teem must irsure
that the protective devices and equipment arc prope-“iy worn and/or uscd
at all times.


The Commander, Test Services Unit, wi'l be respousitls fox

organizing the re-entry team and insuring that neccssary natcricl, oarcui-=
cularly cmergency and protective equipment adequate to meoct the rcequiioments of the operetion, accompanics cach rc-entry party. He will insure
that ail pérsonnel, including the aircraft crew, possess required filn

badgcs, dosimeters, ctc, this lattcr function to be coordinated with the
Rad/Safety monitor.

He wilt insure that the entirc re-entry perty are


Fatigue type suits




support at least six (6) personnel who will constitute the re-entry tcan:

Select target paragraph3