asking them to correct their copies cf the interim T/D accordingly.

On 12 March Personnel approved a request from the Test Services
Unit to release

_., -2puty Commander of the Test

Services Unit, from TDY and return him to his parent unit, Headquarters,

He had been made available to the Test Services Unit with the

understanding that he would be returned after the second CASTLE shot.
No replacement was required.
The return of lst L

~ to the ZI from a FCS assignment

with the 4930th Test Support Group was approved on 15 March,

Now account-

ing procedures no longer required his presence at Eniwetok after 1 April.

In answer to our request, instructions were received on 18 March to

to Headquarters, AFSWC,

The Airman Prenotion Board convened on 16 March for the purpose of
reviewing 16 promotion recommendations for Headquarters personnel.
approval by ©


» the board proceedings were sent to Headquarters

Squadron Section, AFSWC, for consideration when the April promotion quotes
were received.
On 18 March necessary orders were initiated to return


. of the Comptroller Division to Kirtlond, where he was to perfor
duty as Task Group 7.4 Accounting Technician under supervision of the
AFSWC Comptroller.

A TWX was disnatched to AFSWC on 22 larch, informing

them of his scheduled departure for the ZI.

On the same date, ©

: began an adrinistrative inspection of the Tect
Services Unit,

A TWX from AFSVC on 1& March stated that ’

had becn assigned from the ANC as a Sikorsly technical representative,



Select target paragraph3